

Symbol: Dy
Atomic number: 66
Atomic mass: 162.50
Group: Lanthanide
CAS-number: 7429-91-6

Physical data
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Physical data

Electronic data

Shells: 2, 8, 18, 28, 8, 2
Orbitals: [Xe] 4f10 6s2
Electronegativity: --, 1.1
1. Ionization potential: 5.9389 eV
2. Ionization potential: 11.67 eV
3. Ionization potential: 22.802 eV
Oxidation states: 3
Electrical conductivity: 0.0108 10^6

Thermal data

Melting point: 1412 °C
Boiling point: 2567 °C
Specific heat: 0.17 J/gK
Heat of fusion: 11.060 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization: 230.0 kJ/mol
Thermal conductivity: 0.107 W/cmK

Steric data

Atomic radius: 2.49 Å
Ionic radius: 1.03 Å (+3)
Covalent radius: 1.59 Å
Atomic volume: 19.0 cm³/mol
Density (293 K): 8.536 g/cm³
Crystal structure: hexagonal


NuclideAbundance [%]MassSpinHalflifeDecay modeDecay tree
154Dy 0 153.924 0 3E06y α View
156Dy 0.052 155.924 0 -- --
157Dy 0 157 3/2 8.1h EC View
158Dy 0.09 157.924 0 -- --
159Dy 0 159 3/2 144.4d EC View
160Dy 2.29 159.925 0 -- --
161Dy 18.88 160.927 5/2 -- --
162Dy 25.53 161.927 0 -- --
163Dy 24.97 162.929 5/2 -- --
164Dy 28.18 163.929 0 -- --
165Dy 0 165 7/2 2.33h β- View
166Dy 0 166 0 3.40d β- View

Other info

Name origin:Greek: dysprositos (hard to get at).
Description:Soft, lustrous, silvery metal.
Discovered by:Paul Émile Lecoq de Boisbaudran
Sources:Usually found with erbium, holmium and other rare earths in some minerals such as monazite sand, which is often 50% rare earth by mass.
Use(s):Its uses are limited to experimentation and esoteric practices.