Electronic data
Shells: 2, 4
Orbitals: [He] 2s2 2p2
Electronegativity: 2.5, 2.5
1. Ionization potential: 11.2603 eV
2. Ionization potential: 24.383 eV
3. Ionization potential: 47.887 eV
Oxidation states: 4, 2, -4
Electrical conductivity: 0.00061 10^6
Thermal data
Melting point: 3825 °C (Sublimes)
Boiling point: 4827 °C
Specific heat: 0.71 J/gK
Heat of fusion: -- kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization: 355.80 kJ/mol
Thermal conductivity: 1.29 W/cmK
Steric data
Atomic radius: 0.91 Å
Ionic radius: 0.16 Å (+4)
Covalent radius: 0.77 Å
Atomic volume: 4.58 cm³/mol
Density (293 K): 2.62 g/cm³
Crystal structure: hexagonal